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فارسی عربي


Iran director judges Chinese fest

Masoud Jafari-Jozani, announced as jury member at SCO Film Festival in China.

The first edition of the Chinese event has selected the Iranian director and screenwriter to judge at the competition section.

Jozani judged 21 films from around the world competing at the main competition section.

Born in 1948, Jafari-Jozani began his cinematic career as a script writer and director of short films.

In 1985, he made his first feature film ‘The Cold Roads’. Since then he has written, directed and produced several movies, including ‘In the Storm's Path’ (1988), ‘One Man, One Bear’ (1992), ‘Puberty’ (1998), and ‘Iran Burger’ (2014).

Jafari Jozani directed the series ‘In the Eye of the Storm’ (2003-2009) which depicts the last few decades in modern Iranian history before and after the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Film Festival opened in grand style in the coastal city of Qingdao, Shandong province on June 14, gathering movie stars and celebrated directors from various countries.

The event wrapped up on June 17, 2018 in China.

